
Our services

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Optimise the efficiency of your operations with our fleet management service. Our experienced team offers comprehensive solutions, including real-time monitoring and preventive maintenance, to maximise the availability of your assets and reduce operating costs.
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We offer diversified mobility solutions, including carsharing, carpooling and soft mobility, so that your company can easily adapt to the changing travel needs, while respecting environmental constraints.
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Good fleet management is based on a carefully defined mobility strategy; Moovee Fleet provides strategic support for the implementation of Car Policy, Mobility Policy, car catalogues, purchasing policies and adapted mobility solutions etc.
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Your drivers need constant availability and a permanent presence. Whether you have a question, a problem, or need support, we set up a specific, dedicated communication channel, including a call hotline, an advanced support system, a dedicated FAQ, as well as dedicated support from our experts in the choice and strategy of individual mobility.

Fleet management

Fleet management is our company’s core service. This is an important element in any company, and can sometimes require time and organisation on the part of the employees in charge of this service.

At Moovee, depending on your needs, we can establish a different type of solution ranging from partial outsourcing to total outsourcing of your fleet management.

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Administrative management
The administrative management of a fleet of vehicles is essential for ensuring the efficiency and compliance of all operations. It includes document management, maintenance scheduling, insurance tracking and much more. With rigorous administration, you can optimise costs, improve fleet performance, and ensure smooth operations.
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    Ordering: Implementation of the online ordering process in accordance with the Car Policy.
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    Mail: Management, monitoring and distribution of insurance, vignettes and other on-board documents.
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    Fines: Management of fines, monitoring and European declarations.
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    Claims: Claims management, declarations, monitoring and reporting.
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    Archiving: Organisation and archiving of all the fleet’s administrative data.
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Operational management
To optimise the management of your vehicle fleet, Moovee offers you a wide range of tailor-made services designed to facilitate the operational management of your fleet. Depending on the level of service required, our clients can outsource all or part of the operational management of the fleet, thereby providing a high level of service to drivers
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    Vehicle checks: Management of vehicle intake and release (IN/OUT), contract arbitration, mileage optimisation, etc.
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    Drivers support: User support, handling requests, questions, queries, advice and emergency.
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    Technical management: Setting up pool cars, services for managers, organisation of pick-ups, maintenance, permutations, etc.


Today’s mobility is no longer a question of a single vehicle, or a single solution. Companies have to adapt to environmental constraints, as well as to the expectations of their employees.

Moovee provides its expertise in analysing needs and recommending solutions, and goes through to the implementation of the proposed and client-approved solutions.

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Here are the different types of mobility we offer:
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Carsharing is a mobility model that allows several users to share the use of company vehicles. This model offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative to the traditional company car fleet, while helping to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint.
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Soft mobility
Soft mobility, also known as active mobility or sustainable mobility, encompasses all environmentally friendly modes of transportation that reduce carbon footprints and contribute to a healthier and more pleasant living environment.
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Car park management
Car park management for a business is essential to maximise efficiency, improve the experience of employees and visitors, and optimise the use of available space. By adopting optimised management practices, companies can transform their car parks into intelligent, well-managed spaces that meet current and future mobility needs.
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Company carpooling is an intelligent mobility solution that offers economic, environmental and social benefits. By making it easier for employees to share their journeys, companies can not only reduce their costs and carbon footprint, but also improve their employees’ quality of life. To succeed, it is crucial to put the right infrastructure in place and to communicate effectively.

Transform your company’s mobility now! Moovee has its own mobility services with Moovee Mobility

Driver support

User support, handling requests, questions, queries, advice and emergency. But also support in the administrative management of their vehicles, individual taxation, and more operational topics, such as the use of electric vehicles.

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Mobility strategy

Effective fleet management relies primarily on a carefully defined mobility strategy. Moovee Fleet offers strategic support for the implementation of Car Policy, Mobility Policy, car catalogues, purchasing policies, etc.

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Here are our solutions:
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Car Policy
An essential part of good fleet management. This document, drawn up by the company, sets out all the rules for the allocation, use and management of vehicles in order to inform its employees. It also keeps employees informed about the actions taken by the company to prevent occupational road risks, its CSR commitments, and more. Moovee supports you in the preparation and drafting of your Car Policy.
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Mobility Policy
Mobility policy aims to optimise business travel in terms of cost, safety, efficiency and sustainability. For many companies, business mobility is limited to the car; These days, you need to go further in complying with imposed standards, in order to align yourself with CSR commitments, or quite simply to meet the needs of your youngest employees, who have different needs; Moovee supports you in the implementation and strategy of your company’s mobility.
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Purchasing policies
A purchasing policy is designed to ensure efficient, economical and sustainable management of the company’s vehicle fleet, while meeting operational needs and complying with safety and environmental standards.
Moovee takes care of negotiations with suppliers and brands to obtain specific commercial conditions in line with your business reality.
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Document or database listing the vehicles available for acquisition, either by purchase or leasing. This catalogue contains detailed information on each vehicle, making the selection and acquisition process easier for fleet managers.

Enhance these services by going further with Moovee Fleet using our advanced tools 

Interested in one of these services? Don’t hesitate to contact us